
IRDiRC’s State of Play of research report

The International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC)’s report “State of Play of Research in the Field of Rare Diseases: 2015-2018” is a compilation of information published in scientific journals and press releases over the period of September 2015 to June 2018. The report aims to inform stakeholders at large of developments in the field of […]

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Dr Lucia Monaco interview on Rare Diseases

The Chair  of the Consortium Assembly, Dr Lucia Monaco, has been recently interviewed by Raconteur for its Rare Diseases Report published by The Times – The Sunday Times- on its July edition.  Dr Monaco interview was one of the nine articles chosen for this focus and she  well highlighted the relevance of “the fight for equal access […]

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Task Force Opening: Clinical Research Networks for Rare Diseases

The Interdisciplinary Scientific Committee (ISC) is establishing a Task Force on Clinical Research Networks for Rare Diseases aiming to map and analyse the existing ecosystem of national/supranational clinical research networks, and develop policy recommendations on guiding principles for an international framework of collaboration of these networks. The ISC is looking for members to populate this […]

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Task Force Openning

The Diagnostic Scientific Committee (DSC) is establishing a Task Force on to address barriers to the diagnosis of rare diseases for Indigenous peoples, so as to help address critical areas that will need to be served if IRDiRC Goal 1 is to be met. The Indigenous Population Task Force will bring together the community addressing this challenge […]

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Rare Disease Day 2019!

The International Rare Diseases Research Consortium support Rare Disease Day 2019! The recent elected Chair and Vice Chair of IRDiRC, Dr Lucia Monaco and Dr David Pearce, and the accompanying Scientific Secretariat raise their hands for the cause during a meeting at the Italian Telethon Foundation dedicated to set the consortium strategy for achieving its goals […]

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Summer Course Starts From 1st June

Dimply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dumy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries.imply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry […]

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