Today is the World Birth Defect Day and IRDiRC is happy to support it by raising awareness together with the other hundreds organizations worldwide. There are many types of birth defects, also known as congenital anomalies, congenital disorders or congenital condition and today we celebrate them all in just one collective voice (#manybirthdefects1voice).
Today, MotherToBaby at 10:00 PST – 13:00 EST – 19:00 CET is going live to answer questions about birth defects, in addition a #TwitterChat is ongoing, joining it by following the @worldbdday account and using the hashtag #WorldBDDay.
The WHO has taken birth defects in high consideration and in 2010 has developed an official report that call…
“for universal coverage of maternal, newborn and child health interventions, urged Member States to commit resources and to accelerate national action to build a seamless continuum of care for reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health”