As Rare Disease Day 2023 is approaching, the Chinese Organization for Rare Disorders invites you to attend the Global Workshop on Access to Rare Disease Diagnosis and Treatment, on 28th February 2023, at 19:00-22:30 Beijing time.
Founded in 2013 by Kevin HUANG, the Chinese Organization for Rare Disorders (CORD) functions as a platform, hub and advocacy NGO focusing on rare diseases. It is one of the largest NGOs in the realm of rare diseases in China. Having the rare disease patients’ interests as first concern, CORD works to promote information exchange and cooperation among rare disease patients and organizations, medical specialists, pharmaceutical companies and governmental agencies. It is committed to enhancing public understanding of rare diseases, improving patient access to orphan drugs, fostering formulation of rare disease policies, and initiating international exchange and cooperation, to empower and help rare disease patients to live with hope, dignity and equity.
This year CORD will organize a live workshop via Zoom, with a focus on access to RD treatment and diagnosis, that intends to attract panelists (from the industry, patient groups and advocacy groups) and listeners from various countries with diverse background and proficiency in the area of RD, and to explore current issues in patient access to rare disease treatment, and identify possible solutions for them applied to the necessities in different regions.
Check out the full agenda and register: here.