AFM-Téléthon opens the call for proposals for 2024, open to both French and foreign teams, that aims to support research along the following thematics:
A. Fundamental research and physiopathology of diseases of the neuromuscular system
B. Development of innovative therapeutic approaches for rare genetic diseases
The selected projects will be subject to an agreement with AFM-Téléthon. AFM-Téléthon may decide to finance the selected project under a collaboration which entails a co-ownership of the results.
- Trampoline grant: intended to support young teams or investigators early in their professional career (less than 10 years after thesis, either permanent or non-permanent position), and/or early stage innovative and high risk projects. This grant is awarded for a maximum of 50,000 euros for one year.
- Research project for one year, renewable for a second year, and exceptionally for a third year.
- Post-doctoral fellowship for one year, renewable for a second year.
- PhD fellowship (open to students enrolled in a French university doctoral degree program) for a maximum of three years.
Deadlines and instructions for applications: