The 11th European Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Products (ECRD) 2022 is being organized by EURORDIS and co-organized by Orphanet, with IRDiRC serving as an associate partner. The ECRD is a patient-led rare disease policy event in which collaborative dialogue, learning and conversation takes place, forming the groundwork to shape goal-driven rare disease policies.
The fully online conference will take place on June 27th – July 1st from 14.00 – 18.00 CET.
Poster abstracts submissions for ECRD 2022 are open until April 21st. The organizers encourage patient groups, academics, health care professionals and all other interested parties having conducted research or studies on rare diseases or public health projects to submit a poster abstract.
The ECRD allows attendees to network and exchange invaluable knowledge with over 1500 stakeholders in the rare disease community – patient advocates, policy makers, researchers, clinicians, healthcare professionals, healthcare industry representatives, academics, payers, regulators and Member State representatives.
More information on poster abstract submission:
Registration here: