What does the IMPC do?
The IMPC systematically studies the consequences of removing gene function in mice with the aim of learning more about human disease. The project has now generated genotyped confirmed lines for 10,000 genes and has collected phenotype data on more than 8,400 genes.
If you already use the IMPC website (mousephenotype.org) or are a mouse biologist or scientist interested in IMPC data and curious to learn more about the knock-out mouse lines IMPC produce, or the phenotyping carried out by the project, this is your opportunity to ask the IMPC team directly.
Presentations will provide a broad overview of animal production for IMPC, allele types and how this plays a role in downstream phenotyping. A live Q & A session will follow the talk.
Please come along to learn more about the alleles IMPC produce and how they could help your own research.
When: Wednesday 24th May 12 pm JST / 5 pm CEST / 4 pm BST / 11 EDT / 8 PDT. Duration: 1 hour
How to join: When it is time, please use https://nih.zoomgov.com/j/1616212784?pwd=MlN4R0JxTFdYeWkyeHgwVy9MMk5tdz09