EATRIS-Plus Summer School 2023 – Multimodal Biomarkers & Diagnostics

The next  EATRIS-Plus Summer School in Personalised Medicine will take place in person on 17-20 April 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal

EATRIS-Plus Summer School in Personalised Medicine is organised within the framework of EATRIS-Plus Project, which is a flagship initiative in personalised medicine, coordinated by EATRIS-ERIC

The overarching topic of the summer school is multimodal biomarkers and diagnostics. The 4 days comprise of lectures and interactive workshops led by experts across Europe. 

Target audience 

The summer school aims to fill the educational gap in the need for highly qualified translational researchers in personalised medicine. The course targets primarily senior researchers and is expected to be attended by late-stage PhD students, Postdocs, researchers, academics, medical doctors, clinicians, and healthcare professionals interested in or working in the field of personalised medicine. 

Application Process & Details 

  • Complete the online application form below (includes a 100-word motivation statement and a 200-word biosketch) 
  • Applications close on  10 March 2023 
  • Between 30-40 applicants will be accepted 

For any further information about the Summer School please contact For more information in Portuguese, see here.

Registration still open: here.