Category: IRDiRC

Defining rare conditions in the era of personalized medicine

Don’t miss out the new IRDiRC publication developed by Therapies Scientific Committee (TSC) members Daniel O’Connor, Annemieke Aartsma-Rus, Anneliene Jonker, and Regulatory Scientific Committee (RSC) member, Michela Galbado – “Defining rare conditions in the era of personalized medicine“. “Despite these consensus features, there is currently no common global agreement on the impact and widespread application […]

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New Publication: Making Rare Disease Research Attractive to Companies by IRDiRC Chrysalis Task Force

Accessible at, the Chrysalis Task Force identified key financial and non-financial factors that make rare disease research and development attractive to companies. More information on the Chrysalis Task Force here: « It was a real pleasure working with such a talented IRDiRC Task Force. We also truly appreciate the critical input provided by the […]

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Call for proposals: Establishing novel approaches to improve clinical trials for rare and ultra-rare diseases

Under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme, a new two-stage call for proposals for “Establishing novel approaches to improve clinical trials for rare and ultra-rare diseases” was published on 27 July, 2023. The project generated from the topic should not only develop capacities and capabilities to execute innovative trial designs, but also plan to identify solutions […]

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Proving the burden of living with a rare disease

The Global Research on Impact of Dermatological Diseases (GRIDD) project is a global initiative focused on demonstrating the impact of skin conditions on patients’ lives. Its purpose is to gather worldwide data on dermatological diseases directly from those affected. The heart of GRIDD lies in the new Patient-Reported Impact of Dermatological Diseases (PRIDD) measure, a […]

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The Orphan Disease Center: New research opportunities

The Orphan Disease Center (ODC) is offering 39 research opportunities focusing on 31 different rare diseases. The program provides a one-year grant to support research related to a rare disease represented in the 2023 Million Dollar Bike Ride. Number of awards and dollar amounts vary per disease based on fundraising totals by each disease team. […]

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EURORDIS Podcast: Rare on Air

“Rare on air” is a series of monthly podcasts developed by EURORDIS showcasing different interviews with people who live with a rare diseases, advocates and experts on rare disease policy. The podcast explores the unique experiences, challenges and successes of people from the rare disease community, and investigates how we can build a better world […]

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