Drug Repurposing Guidebook Materials


For the creation of the guidebook, different types of documents were created:

1.      A list of all Building Blocks

2.      A fact sheet form for each Building Block 

3.      A checklist, to start a repurposing case

Guidebook Presentation 

Find here a more comprehensive representation of the guidebook and its methodology.

Interactive website 

All the materials for the Drug Repurposing Guidebook are now available on a user-friendly Orphan Drug Development Website website. Go and check it out here!

Building Block List

A list of building blocks (BBs) (tools, incentives, resources, initiatives, and practices) either specific to rare diseases, or more often used in rare diseases but also available for common diseases were collected and analyzed. The full list of BBs available in Europe, United States of America and Japan is shown below (please note that this is list might not be complete and it will be regularly updated). 

List of Building Blocks

Building Block Forms

Based on a systematic review of websites, literature search and the expertise of the Taskforce members, we have created fact sheets describing each BB by including key information on its use, duration, pros and cons, and among other aspects the TF’s advice on the best time to use the BB. All fact sheets can be found below. 

All Building Block forms


We have created a checklist to use prior to starting a repurposing case